The innovative, Weather Independent Boda Borg is a Swedish concept unique to Ireland and is challenging for both adults and children. Once you enter the two-storey Boda Borg only teamwork, ingenuity, trial and error and skills you probably didn’t know you have will allow you to progress through its 47 rooms! It contains fun-filled activities, imaginative puzzles and enjoyable tasks but no instructions!
This activity will challenge all family members. Platforms on trees at various heights (ranging from 1 metre to 20 metres off the ground) which are connected by a range of activities, such as rope bridges, swinging logs, cargo nets and ziplines, allowing you to move from one tree to another.
There are five different circuits, with each one getting a little bit more challenging than the previous one.
Zipit has built circuits of varying difficulty, suitable for anyone from age 7 upwards with a basic level of fitness.